Saturday, May 29, 2010

a gift of lemons

London is all kinds of cold and rainy and windy and gross today, keeping us inside and out of fashion.

We ate at this restaurant a few weeks back, and I couldn't resist taking a picture of this bowl of ill-attended lemons that were clearly meant to be decorative, not decayed.  I might not have noticed if I hadn't been sitting right beneath them, but as it happens I have an aesthetic fascination with mold and rot which made this very much my kind of thing.  A little bit along the lines of a 16th-17th century veritas still life, but by accident rather than design, and just the sort of thing I would love to recreate (as design!) in my home, but for P's penicillin allergy.  Alas.

ps~now you can follow us with bloglovin!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in London too and it's just terrible today! Hopefully it'll get better :)


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